Welcome kindred spirit, before we begin let's bring awareness to why you were drawn to this topic.
How does your body feel when you reflect on Love & Happiness?
What emotions come to the surface?
What beliefs do you have surrounding Love & Happiness?
What stories do you tell yourself and others about this?
How will being mindful of Love & Happiness help support your day-to-day life?
With a deep exhale bring a gentle awareness that others are feeling similar about Love & Happiness like you.
Lets Begin
Each day remember that we want similar things.
Everyone wants to be loved.
Deep down, we are all love and want that same love from others.
We want to be happy.
Everyone we meet and everyone we know wants to be happy inside.
And deep down, we want to feel connected.
To feel connected with each other, with our community, and with all beings.
We all want the same thing; To be loved, to be happy, and to feel connected.
Each day cherish yourself and others.
Each day appreciate yourself and appreciate others.
We can do this by noticing any judgments that we have of ourselves.
Negative self-talk, condemnations, and criticisms of ourselves.
Try to soften those judgments or simply let them go.
Noticing any judgments that we have of others.
Complaints, disagreements, and accusations we place on others.
Try to soften those judgments or simply let them go.
Breathing in, cherishing yourself.
Breathing out, cherishing others.
Breathing in, cherishing yourself.
Breathing out, cherishing others.
Breathing in, cherishing yourself.
Breathing out, cherishing others.
And during the day, extend that attitude to everyone you meet.
We all want the same thing; To be loved, to be happy, and to feel connected.
Extending this attitude of happiness and love.
I love myself
I love you
We are love
I am happy
You are happy
We are happy
I am Connected
You are connected
We are connected.
Thank you for practicing Love & Happiness.